Sandro Chia
The editions of the Italian luminary of Neo-Expressionism
Sandro Chia (1946) is considered one of the most important artists of the 1980s. He belongs to a generation of painters who rediscovered figurative painting, after abstraction had previously dominated. He can therefore be categorized as Neo-Expressionism a movement that also includes Elvira Bach, Georg Baselitz, Jörg Immendorff and Karel Appel.
Chia established himself as one of the most important artists of the Transavanguardia, a neo-expressionist movement in Italian figurative painting. His works have been exhibited in many major museums and galleries around the world - he is a world-class artist.
In Chia's work, color and figure are paramount. He paints in an expressionistic, loose figurative style, with emphasis on color and form. Somewhat mystically, Chia says of his art, which also has a surreal aspect: "My task and mission [...] are to try to reanimate the body of the canvas stretched out before me, as if it were a symbolic white whale I found on a beach."