An der Küste

An der Küste
Günter Grass

  • Günter Grass
  • Lithographie, handsigniert
  • 55 x 70cm (height x width)
  • 150
  • 20212

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About An der Küste

Die Poesie einer sommerlichen Küste
Noch bevor Günter Grass Schriftsteller wurde, widmete er sich schon der Malerei und studierte u.a. an der Kunstakademie in Düsseldorf.
Es ist ein zartes Werk von Günther Grass im Aquarellstil. Kontrastierend zu Himmel und Wasser ist das Bild vornehmlichen in die warmen, erdigen Farben eines Spätsommers getaucht.
Das Bild fängt die friedvolle Stimmung einer sommerlichen Küstenlandschaft und ihrer unberührten Natur ein.

About Günter Grass

Günter Grass (1927-2015) is considered one of the most important representatives of post-war German literature - and he also made a name for himself as a painter, graphic artist and sculptor. Grass was a trained artist, and even before he took up literature, he devoted himself to art. He studied at the Düsseldorf Art Academy between 1948 and 1952 and at the Berlin Academy of Fine Arts between 1953 and 1956. Grass immortalized one of his fellow students, Herbert Zangs, in his debut novel The Tin Drum, which made him internationally famous in 1959. In his paintings, Günther Grass often works on literary themes or devotes himself to landscape painting. Especially his landscape paintings in watercolor style are lyrical works - they appear delicate and capture the poetry of untouched nature.

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